A Personal Note
It dawned upon me while walking that I have lived on this road for almost 9 years and have had tea with only one neighbor- though I have talked to more than that- and that I ought invite at least one of them over or out to speak of the goodness in our lives on some sort of basis, week.month.quarter, not sure what I will be up for in reality, but then do it!
So with this resolve for myself, I will use my business as a platform to encourage you all to do the same: Invite a neighbor over or out for a cup of tea to share about the goodness in your lives- we can all find it somewhere, in some way, if we look.
Let’s start looking and talking about it; I bet if we all knew the goodness our neighbors could see the world would be a better place.
Anyone want to share your GoodnessTeaTime conversations? Doesn’t have to my my tea, any tea or drink made with love will have extra goodness in it : ) I bought goodness.community for some unknown reason a few days ago, maybe this is that reason.
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